Tuesday, May 16, 2023
In accordance with the APS By-Laws, the following positions of the Toronto Local Branch are up for election in 2023.
- President of Toronto Local Executive (Director of the Toronto Local Branch within the National Executive Committee)
- Secretary of the Toronto Local Branch (1 position)
- Director of the Toronto Local Branch (8 positions)
All members in good standing (aka « voting members ») wishing to submit their candidacy for this position must fill out the form below. Your request must include the names, CBC e-mail addresses and phone numbers of five other members in good standing who support your candidacy.
This Candidacy Form must be completed and received at the latest, by June 1st 2023 at the e-mail address: maria.gaglione@apscbcsrc.org
To become a member in good standing, complete the Registration Form. The procedure for payment of the mandatory $5 fee will be sent upon receipt of the form.
Candidacy Form: APS Candidacy Form – Toronto Local Branch – Mise en candidature – Section locale de Toronto