Tuesday, January 28, 2021
At the latest APS National Executive Committee meeting held Friday, January 15, 2021, David MacFarlane from Edmonton was appointed National Secretary of the Association, becoming thus the second-highest-ranking member of the organization. The position of National Secretary is the equivalent of a Vice-President status designated as such as the successor to the National President in case of departure. David who was representing the Western Region on the National Executive is a veritable pillar of the organization, standing for many years now as its most senior representative. He will continue to lead the National Health and Safety Committee as well as the Employee Assistance Program. As National Secretary, he will supervise the National Secretariat of the Association with the crucial responsibility of overseeing the membership fluctuations. For APS, participation is a key to its success as a union offering its members on voluntary basis participation in the life of the union.
David’s nomination occurs as the result of Sébastien Fleurant’s decision to accept the proposal from Stéphane Desautels to become President of the Montreal Local Branch.